Renewable energy

Green encyclopedia

What are power purchase agreements (PPA)? Who is this type of contract for in the green energy market?

Long-term contracts for the purchase of green energy is a solution that is gaining more and more supporters. It is a way out to meet the needs of modern entrepreneurs who are consciously building long-term corporate development strategies in the spirit of ESG and sustainability. What is worth knowing about this type of contract and is it suitable for your business?

Green encyclopedia

What are photovoltaic energy stores and when is it worth investing in them?

With advances in technology and the growing demand for sustainable energy sources, energy storage facilities have become an indispensable part of energy systems. Such storage facilities are a step towards a sustainable energy future, where we can store the power of the sun, wind and other renewable energy sources to draw from them in the most efficient way. What else is worth knowing about energy storage?

Green news's customer base is growing!

Meet the companies that have said YES to green energy.

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Green energy - distributed energy

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Green energy - 3 questions to Tomasz Morawski, Board Member of

Green news

Welcome to the next Business Group!

More companies have joined the ranks of those interested in the new business model.

Media about us develops marketplace to sell green energy

Media about us announces first year results

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How to connect renewables to the grid?

Green news Energy Transformation Leader 2023!

During the nationwide Climate Congress held in Warsaw, awards were given...

Green news

Health resorts bet on green energy

Investing in green energy from the platform are: Zakład Leczniczy ‘Uzdrowisko Nałęczów’ S.A., ‘Uzdrowisko Konstancin-Zdrój’ S.A., ‘Uzdrowisko Iwonicz’ S.A., ‘Uzdrowisko Kamień Pomorski’ S.A. and FW Południe Sp. z o.o.

Green news in cooperation with museums

Green energy in the arts and culture market? Definitely yes! New customers of are certainly open to an ecological model of operation

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